Locked Yourself Out of Your Car? Here's What to Do

Locked Yourself Out of Your Car? Here’s What to Do

It’s happened to the best of us—you shut your car door behind you only to realize that your keys are still sitting on the driver’s seat. Being locked out of your car can be a frustrating and stressful experience, but fear not! In this post, we will explore some helpful tips and solutions for what to do if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation.

Stay Calm

One of the most important things to remember when you find yourself locked out of your car is to stay calm. It can be easy to panic and feel anxious, but taking a few deep breaths and staying level-headed will help you approach the situation with a clear mind. This will also prevent you from making any rash decisions that could potentially make the situation worse.

Check for Spare Keys

If you have a spare key, this is the perfect time to put it to use! Check your pockets, purse, or any other place where you might have a spare key hidden, like a secret rock in your garden or in a special drawer in your home. You can also call a friend or family member who might have an extra key for your car. If all else fails, check if there’s a spare key hidden on the exterior of your car. Some vehicles have a magnetic key holder that is attached to the undercarriage or inside the fuel cap.

Try the Other Doors

In some cases, you may only have one door that is locked while other doors remain unlocked. Check to see if any of the other doors can be opened from the outside. This is especially common in older cars where the locking mechanism may not always work properly. If you are lucky, one of the other doors will be unlocked and you can access your keys without needing any additional help.

Check for an Open Window

If you have a car with electric windows, it may be possible to lower one of the windows if the battery is still working. Check all of your windows to see if any are open or can be lowered from the outside. This can give you enough space to reach inside and unlock the door manually.

Use a Coat Hanger

If you have a wire coat hanger handy, you can try using it to unlock your car door. Straighten out the hanger and then bend one end into a hook. Slide the hanger between the door and frame and use the hook to try and grab the lock mechanism. This method may take some patience and practice, but it can be effective.

Try a Tennis Ball

This may sound like an odd solution, but some people swear by it! Take a tennis ball and cut a small hole in it. Place the hole over the keyhole and press firmly to create pressure that may unlock the door.

Call for Help

If none of the above options work, it may be time to call for help. If you have a roadside assistance service or are a member of an automobile club, they may be able to send someone to help you get into your car. You can also call a locksmith, preferably one that specializes in car doors. If you’re traveling, don’t forget to check into local resources who would be more than willing to help.

Stay Prepared

Although it’s always best to try and prevent being locked out of your car, accidents can still happen. That’s why it’s important to always be prepared in case you do find yourself in this situation. Consider keeping a spare key with you at all times or leaving one with a trusted friend or family member. You can also keep the number of a locksmith or roadside assistance service saved in your phone so that you have it on hand if needed. With a little preparation, being locked out of your car doesn’t have to be such a pain in the neck.

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What You Shouldn’t Do

While there are several solutions you can try when locked out of your car, there are also some things you should avoid doing. For example, do not attempt to break a window or force the door open. Not only is this dangerous and could cause damage to your vehicle, but it may also result in injury to yourself. It’s also important not to leave your car unattended, especially if it is running or if you have valuable items inside. This leaves your car vulnerable to theft and other potential dangers. Remember to always stay safe and use caution in this situation.

Remember, being locked out of your car is never a fun experience, but there are always solutions. Stay calm, be prepared, and try some of these tips to get back into your car as quickly and stress-free as possible.  So don’t let this unfortunate situation ruin your day—handle it like a pro and get back on the road in no time! Happy driving!

Author’s Bio:

Dixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write for business, locksmith, health, and women’s interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook.